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Let's appreciate the "Extras" while getting back to the Basics!


Welcome to Our Campaign!

I look forward to being "The People's" voice. I want to represent all of Chippewa Valley School's students, teachers, staff and community! I humbly ask for your vote, to earn a seat on the CVS Board of Education and make a difference. The public school "system" has been in place our entire lives and has mostly been run by our 4th Unelected branch of Government (Associations, Organizations & Non Government Organizations). That pillar is crumbling and now gives us a great opportunity to reform our public schools. I hope to inspire ALL to remember that it was intended for "The People" to govern ourselves and that WE have the power to do just that.

Through chaos comes the will to make change. Be Not Afraid.  


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Committee to Elect Rita Zielinski
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