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Chippewa Valley School District is no doubt a leader within our State but which direction are we headed in?  The public school "system" has been spotlighted these last few years and most parents can see clear issues that need to be addressed. If we can appreciate the extras while getting back to the basics, we can not only lead, but we can shine! Lets get started:




Government and Non Government Organizations- NGO(s)

Review policies vs laws to ensure they are Constitutional and represent the Community as a whole.

Example:  ALA- The American Library Association provides Book Challenge Procedure Guidelines that are followed by Chippewa Valley Schools while promoting the very same books parents have concerns about due to age/content appropriation. Unelected NGO (non government organization)

Example:  Health Department’s/CDC “recommendations” became protocols and rules. Unelected NGO (non government organization)- unlawfully enforced

Example:  Neola - A "For Profit" Organization influencing our school's policy making with an emphasis on highly controversial topics to impose a radical ideology within our school system.

While Neola is responsible for creating much of our District website policy, Administrator Guidelines, Best Practices, By-Laws  and more, the organization supports very left leaning agendas that do not represent a great portion of the families in our Community. They are partnered with several other organizations that Chippewa Valley Schools does "business" with. Unelected NGO (non government organization)

Did you know? "The System" & How Our Schools Fit In

video link:









Teacher Support

Many great teachers are leaving or retiring. They are underpaid, overworked, unable to teach the way they want, have too many interruptions in their lesson plans and subjected to problem children whereas disciplinary actions are questionable.. all while the salaries of the administrators are rising exponentially. We need to review, discuss, and support our teachers immediately without administrative backlash. The best input will come from them! 

 Did you know? "The System" & How Our Schools Fit In

video link:






School Safety

School Safety is a very important issue. I feel if the "No Tolerance" rule for bullying and disciplinary actions for bad behavior were enforced regularly and without bias,  we would find our schools much safer. I also feel that by advertising a “Gun Free Zone”, it promotes an unwelcome situation more than deters one. Whether licensed CPL holders are among the staff or not, an active assailant usually avoids places where resistance will be encountered. As the wife of a Public Safety Officer and former SWAT team leader, I feel I have insight to offer effective common sense measures that may assist  Chippewa Valley’s safety procedures and policies going forward.


SEL- Social Emotional Learning/DEI

SEL- Social Emotional Learning has changed from its inception which has become a controversial topic and void of its actual intent. A review needs to take place along with the implementation of DEI- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. I feel many agendas create a problem whereas a solution is already waiting. I care about every child and I am concerned that these  programs are having a negative impact. At the expense of the children’s well being, the last several years have shown a spike in “mental health issues”, hence the need for more social workers in our schools. Ultimately, this will lead to more medications and treatments which we should  be avoiding whenever possible. The children's needs are real and the teachers see those needs daily,  yet as research shows and by following the money, it becomes evident who the “winners” and “losers” are. 

I feel this ties in closely when spotlighting a small or minority group with possible political motives. The exploitation of “a” group or putting “a” group on a platform minimizes all others while creating more bullying directed toward that small group. Equality vs Equity is dangerous. How many "Education" NGO(s) have contributed to our controversial topics these last few years?


Low Proficiency Scores

Chippewa Valley has extremely low reading and math proficiency scores. While the District has many great “extras”, the children are not getting the basics of education. This would include science, writing and age appropriate health classes. A review as to why this is and how to make it possible for each student to get to where they need to be is imperative.

I believe the teachers may be able to answer this question best. I am not convinced this issue stems from teacher’s negligence. 


History- The Buried and Forgotten

My daughter has learned about far away ancient civilizations and cultures while having a brief overview of America and its Government Structure. I believe if all of us, adults included, knew how much of American History was kept from us regarding our Founders, the Founding Documents, and our Rights- America would never have gotten to where it is today. The importance of every child knowing true history, America’s Foundation and the intentions for this Nation would not only unify, but heal and build this Nation. I plan to push for a more extensive deep dive to be offered or built into the curriculum. 



Transparency is key. Curriculum, staff training material, all/any financials requested…  A District with nothing to hide should have clear, easy answers for the tax payers (stake holders) who elect Board Members to protect and serve the children, teachers, staff, and community. 


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